Wooo its been another hot one today! We went shopping this morning and I got some sun glasses, what do you think?

cool or what!
Our garden is looking more and more like toys are us as the days go on, mummy and daddy got a foot pump to pump up my paddling pool good and proper but I think it was more for them than me as they keep putting their feet in it.
Biggest news today was that I had a really good walk around the garden on my own and not just throwing myself around, I was walking properly and thinking about it, I even managed to avoid some hazards like shoes and suntan cream bottles.
Im starting to find that when its sunny and hot, its best to play in the garden and try to keep cool. Mummy got my big paddling pool out for me to play in today and I stood up on my own without any help from anyone and had a little walk around the garden, typical daddy was not here to see it cause he was at work again, boring!
… with collapsible shade eeeek!
Well I couldn’t wait until tomorrow when I saw my fantastic new pool but wasn’t expecting it to cave in on me! Mummy says tomorrow we’ll have a look for a foot pump!
Daddy’s working overtime today so mummy and me have been out and about trying not to miss him. This morning we went to see Helen and Ryan. Ryan was grounded for being a naughty boy but he was allowed to come to the beach with us. We had a good play in the sand and had chip and sand butties for lunch. I got covered in sand and tried to smuggle some home in my shorts, tshirt, hat, hair, toes, nappy… Mummy said we had to come home after lunch though because she thought I’d had enough sun. She was probably right cause I got a bit upset when she was blowing up my new paddling pool and I went off to sleep for the afternoon. Hopefully it will still be nice tomorrow and I’ll get to play in the pool.
Mummy took me to the posh park today but we were both disappointed to see there were no baby ducks. Not only that but the selection of toys was pretty rubbish too, only one swing for little boys and the slide was way too big and busy because it’s half term. Oh well, at least the fresh air and ride home got me nodding off to sleep with no protests.
After lunch mummy let me taste test daddy’s cakes. Do you think I liked it?
Granny and Grandad had to go home today but not before another walk on the beach and a trip to Asda. Granny bought me a wicked Thomas hat to add to my Thomas collection and lots of holiday clothes for herself, it’s a good job Grandad didn’t come shopping with us because I heard what their bill was!
After they left I played in the garden with Mummy and Daddy. Daddy had his deck chair out and I managed to convince mummy that my water table was much more fun when you sit in it! We all had some bbqed burgers for lunch on the lawn and it was so hot again that I was allowed an icecream all of my own mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Wow what a hot day! We got up nice and early, well me and Granny did so we could have a good play before taking Gus to the beach. I took my shoes and socks off and walked for ages on the beach, maybe it will make me want to walk all the time?
Next we packed the car up and set off for Alnwick gardens. I had a good sleep on the way there ready for the action. We stopped off at the shops on the way to get things for a nice picnic. It was really busy there and everyone was sat on the grass watching the water falls so we were limited to the space I had to crawl around in, how rude! We saw mummy’s friend Irene she had not seem me since I was a tiny baby and was very impressed at how well I had grown up.
On the way home we stopped off at the ice cream factory, it was so full we had to park in a field that smelt of cow poo! Everyone had a good snooze on the way home, well I think they did I wouldn’t know I was asleep! When we got back it was so hot we went in the back garden and played with my water table and on my slide, Granny had as much of a good time as I did. Granddad and daddy watched the race and listened to the football, Jenson won again but Middlesbrough and Newcastle got relegated to the rubbish league.
I think I like sunny days!
Today Granny, Granddad and Gus dog came to see us for the weekend. We didn’t really do much today but we had a good old play and I hear we have a full day of activities planned for tomorrow, cant wait better go to sleep…..
…. and ge back up again for another new nappy!
Mummy took us shopping for the first time since she passed her driving test today, only problem was we both got drenched getting back tot he car! Yack more showers!!
Yuck what a rubbish day! Rain, rain and more rain! Mummy was going to drive us to the park but its not stopped raining long enough for us to go, rubbish! To make things worse I have had a really sore bum all day, double rubbish!!