Today mummy and daddy took me to see some tiny people who lived in a tiny village called Babbacomb model village. It was a very nice place although it was on quite a big hill and they had some really old fashioned cars and vans. Part way round there was a really big train set which had a Thomas the tank engine! I enjoyed watching him whiz around but then i found a much bigger train outside which was much better. We left the little people to their busy little lives and went to a nice pub for some lunch then a walk along the sea front for an ice cream.
Today we went out to see what we could find and what we found was crazy roads! Fisrtly we ended up on a mad ferry which was like a bit of floating road with a boat at the side pushing it along, daddy was not happy it cost £3.20 just to get across a little river and said we would not go back that way. Next the sat nav told up to go up this massive hill around a little town, it ended up being a dead end and we had to go back down the 33% hill we had just come up! Daddy decided it was time to just read the road signs and ignore the sat nav and we ended up at a place called Blackpool sands. It was a shingle beach but they had little bits of nice sand for us kids to play in, I had a good time playing in there although mummy and daddy kept trying to make something called a sand castle but I just kept knocking them down.

Mummy and daddy have been telling me about today for ages but I didn’t really believe them, I mean Thomas the tank engine isn’t really real, is he? So I made sure to get daddy up good and early 5.40 should do nicely although I did go back to sleep around 7 to make sure that I was wide awake for Thomas.
We got to the station good and early and had a good look around, there was a big green train which had a face but it wasn’t Emily it was called Hercules. He took us along the tracks to see Thomas who was hiding in a place called Dartmouth. When we got there he was just leaving with a train full of excited passengers so we had a walk around and I got my picture taken with the (not so) fat controller! There was not much to buy in the shop which was a bit disappointing cause daddy had told me he would buy me something really good. Before long Thomas came back and we stood and had our picture taken next to him. I got quite upset when he blew his whistle, daddy told me it would be loud but I didn’t think it would be that loud! PEEP PEEP!!
We then had our little trip on Thomas and headed back on the big train to Paignton, I had such a good morning I fell fast asleep for ages even getting off the train and being put in my push chair didn’t wake me up.
what a day! Thanks mum, thanks dad!! xx
When I got up this morning Granny and Grandad had already left for their holiday… they forgot to pack me in their case so I settled for waking up mummy and daddy and tagging along with them. Daddy filled the car back up with all our stuff and off we set. I was getting used to these long journeys now so went straight to sleep… BIG mistake cos boy was it a long boring way to go still after I woke up. We stopped for some lunch and a little walk around Sainsbury’s to get daddy some tablets cos he wasn’t feeling very well and finally got to our caravan just after 3pm.
Mummy and daddy say our caravan isn’t as posh as last year but I can’t remember and I like this one because I can get up on the chair and look out the window. I can see for miles all over to Torquay, lots of boats in the sea, a water park, caravans, birds and a big balloon thing that keeps going up and down! Oh and we have 2 ducks living along the path!
We took a walk along to find the pool but turned back when we saw the size of the hill and went back to get the car! Guess what our swimming pool is outdoors! I had a wicked time cooling down and splashing about but had to come home for tea. It’s VERY hot today, I hope I can sleep because daddy said ‘ve got an even busier day tomorrow!
After several failed attempts at strawberry picking, we arranged to meet mummy’s friend Shirley today only to find they were going strawberry picking! We got as far as the punnet selling hut before it started raining, so we all piled back again to the cafe for a drink. I played with Jamie’s moterbike and PowerRangers and stuck my tongue out at him while mummy cooed over his new baby sister, Kate.
When the rain slowed we trotted back to the fields. I wasn’t very impressed to start with and then I realised they were full of strawberries! Heaven! I’m not too sure why the man looked a bit strangely at me and Jamie on the way out! No lunch needed today!
Oh dear, we went to see nanny today and I wanted to play on her steps but had a little accident…

Mummy says now I’ll have to have all my holiday pics taken from one side!
Oh well, I did get some good pressies of a box of books and a farm yard of animals with a bright red trctor.
There has been complaints about the lack of posts lately, do people not realise we are on holiday! tut!!
Anyway there has been quite alot going on when you start t think about it. Today we drove all the way down to Granny and Grandads to start our hoilday proper, I stayed awake for more or less all of the journy, with just a little nap. When I woke up I was in a propper grump, mummy said that my teeth wer bothering me and it turns out she might have been right. Daddy was hanging me upside down and noticed that I have 2 new teeth at the top coming through and the one at the bottom looked realy sore.
today is the first day of daddy’s official holidays (although he was off over the weekend too) and he has gone and abandoned us! Daddy went and got his hair cut then mummy went too and whilst she was out daddy got me off to sleep for my nap, next thing i know he is no where to be seen! Mummy said he had gone out with the boys from work to watch 2 films, how rude! Still he is going to look after us for the next 3 weeks so I guess its ok, mummy filled in all her paperwork to be a teacher, long holidays here we come!
Mummy took me shopping the other day and sent daddy a picture of me in a shopping car trolley so daddy wanted to have a go too, I think I like them!

My daddy only has one more day at work after today and then he’s on holiday FOREVER! It’s Fathers’ day on Sunday and mummy has helped me to spend my pocket money wisely, I’m planning on getting daddy up nice and early to spend the day with him! Mummy says he might prefer a lie in but I don’t think so. I’m going to show him my new skill of eating yogurts all by myself and ina few days time we’re going to see Granny and Grandad before going on proper holidays! Wow I’m so excited and the weatherman says the sun should shine next week!