Granny has gone to work today and left grandad with us to look after, he is very happy though as a man and lady came to buy his old banger he bought the other day. After a snooze I got dragged down the town so daddy could look at watches as he is sick of not having his watch, but he couldn’t find one that he liked that mummy would let him have.
Whilst in town mummy and I picked up some holiday brochures, daddy thought I looked funny all wrapped up with my summer sun brochure.

but the pub we had lunch in made up for the shops in town being rubbish! Who wants to go shopping again anyway!! Mummy and daddy wanted to go and see Shirley, Mark, Jamie and Kate today and we managed to drag granny and grandad along too. We had a very nice lunch in a very nice country pub and a good natter, Kate was very good and stayed asleep until we had eaten lunch. Once we had finished we decided that I didn’t have enough toys of my own so we went to play with some others in toys R us.
When we got there they had a great motor bike daddy was so impressed I could zoom around the shop on it that he talked grandad into buying it between them, have a look what do you think? Future moto GP winner?

Do you like my new pj’s??

Daddy says I look like Buzz lightyear in them!
The next sale didn’t start till 7am but mummy didn’t get to to till well after 9am, she wasn’t too happy still she came back with lots of bags full of things mostly for me so the sales cant have been that bad.
This morning I woke up as usual at 6 ish but I’m quite sure for once mummy and daddy were happy to be awake that early. We didn’t go down stairs we went in to mummy and daddy’s room as Farther Christmas had been and left us presents in our stockings! Once we had opened all of them we went down stairs and there was even more presents! Mummy was very happy that I liked opening them, she says I was not really into it opening presents last year, I don’t know why cause it is great!
After opening all our presents and having a good play we went to Nanna and Grandads and there was even more presents to open! Once we had opened them we had dinner which was really nice, I was very tired after all the opening and playing and eating but I couldn’t just go to sleep as we had to drive down to granny and grandads! Mummy wants to be in place and ready for the next sale at 5am in the morning and daddy wants to get there today cause the traffic will be better.
It was a long way but it was well worth it, MORE presents! I was only aloud to have some of them as it was almost bed time by the time we got there.
Few what a day!
Oh what a day! Good job I got daddy up nice and early as he had lots of jobs to do, in fact both of them have been busy all day getting ready for tomorrow. We have been watching lots of Christmas films and programs and I even had a special message from Farther Christmas on mummy’s laptop. I have been a good boy most of the day (it might make all the difference you know) I brushed my teeth, had a bath and went off to bed to see what happens whilst i’m sleeping!
Thankfully the last 2 presents we were waiting for from the postman have arrived now, and mummy and daddy say they’ve just about finished their wrapping now.. I’ve only heard some bad singing though. Grandad brought the turkey round this morning, ready for us to cook in our big oven. We went out with daddy this morning to Morrisons for some last bits, daddy wanted to go to Tesco too until he saw how full the car park was! My advent house is nearly all empty (even the doors that mummy had to refill), daddy has gone to work for the last time and in special preparation I even had a bath!
I have a new word of the week its Oh wow! Today has been a good day, I stayed in bed till 6.50 so daddy could have a lay in then when mummy got up mummy and daddy took me to aunty Angela’s house then I went with them to Grandad’s club to watch the pantomime, I had a really good time running about and dancing. Mummy and daddy came back to pick me up once they had been shopping and cleared all the snow and ice from nana’s house so she could get back in once they let her out of hospital. After my nap we went to see her to cheer her up, I think it did the trick!
We could be snowed in by morning and mummy has used our last carrot for the snowman’s nose! And he’s pretty ignorant he wouldn’t even say ‘hiya’ back to me!
well mainly hail but it it still looks good in my garden! I’ve had a lovley day at home with mummy today while daddy has been off across the country on some bigwig business trip to sort out Morrisons’ phones – they are they fourth biggest uk supermarket did you know!?! I don’t think mummy realised because we have been to Asda and Tesco today but not Morrisons… and we were meant to be buying daddy stocking fillers but got me some new pyjamas instead – 2 pairs for £2 what a bargain! and they have robots on them too!
I was pretty tired after all that non-shopping and had a good long nap. I wasn’t very pleased with mummy for just putting me in my cot and saying it was nap time but soon gave up protesting and slept for 3 hours!
After being woken up early this morning by coughing, I was enjoying a long nap when mummy woke me up this afternoon. She was right though, I was going to miss my christmas party if I slept any longer! Everybaby who’s any baby was there, and I was a fashionable 5 minutes late! I had a good time and told mummy all about it on the way home – Father Christmas came and he said ‘ho ho ho’, I had cheese but no cake or sandwiches and sausages, there was music but I didn’t dance! Mumy says she thinks I might be keeping a few secrets about what really went on, just because I’ve been keeping Christmas secreets! I’ve made mummy and daddy a christmas card and a star to go on our christmas tree, and I was supposed to make a calendar but I just haven’t had the time yet so maybe we’ll do it when I go back to nursery on Friday.
After such a busy day I really wanted to stay up to see daddy because he should be early home today but when mummy saw my eyes roll back in my head she made me go to bed – I tried to stay up for you daddy! zzzzzzzz