This morning we decided to have a drive to make sure mummy knew where her new school was. As we were near the park we went to feed the animals but they were not really bothered by our carrots. We saw some squirls and then some big hairy cows with massive horns! Mummy wasn’t very sure but from the safety of behind the camera 10 feet away daddy said it would be ok.
…. till my birthday! woooo

Not really been up to much lately, got a bit of a cough that keeps waking me up very early in the morning and it even kept me awake at nap time today. I had to play on my own whilst everyone else slept so i’m very tired tonight, mummy and daddy hope i have a nice lie in tomorrow!
Not me today… They made me poorly and hot last night and even though I seemed better this morning it was only temporary and I have been miserable at nursery. I’ve pretty much only eaten frozen yoghurts and half a banana, but made an exception when I spotted my chocolate stash in the fridge! Good thing I’ve got a couple of days at home now to feel sorry for myself…
here we are at Christmas… Father Christmas was very good to me this year!
We finally found the camera today, at Nana and Grandad’s house since Christmas! So prepare yourselves for some photo updates! Here’s me being a dude…
There was lots of fresh snow waiting for us today but I wasn’t too pleased when I actually got out in it and it came over my wellies! A bit too hard for my little legs to walk in… oh well it’s good all the same because mummy doesn’t have to go to uni until Thursday now because of the weather.
Today we only ventured out to Tesco early on and came home to hibernate. Daddy made my new toy unit and I helped by running my tractor up and down to see if he had made it level or not. Mummy says the next time I get any more new toys we will have to move house, but then one of her friends has offered me her little boys Thomas collection that he has grown out of so we might be moving soon!!!
Daddy has had great fun this afternoon playing with my playdough. I think his favourite was the sausage making machine and mummy and me indulged him by turning his sausages into traintrack for the train mummy made me! We would have taken some photos but we can’t find the camera…