After a quick trip to the shops (so much for the last shopping trip being on Sunday) we went to the seafront to have a little walk, the sky was as black as night out to sea, thankfully that didn’t come our direction.

Click on daddy’s wonderful picture
Anyway whilst daddy was getting all artistic I was quite happy trying to clear the snow off the wall 🙂
Its been so cold for so long we thought it best that we go and feed the ducks on their frozen pond. They looked really glad to see us especially the nasty geese, they were so keen Mummy had to go on crowd control!
After all the bread was gone (and it didn’t take long) we had a little walk round to try and burn off some energy but it was sooo cold we just went back to the car to get warmed up again.

Look who came to my other playgroup today!
Despite appearances I am smiling and cuddling Santa – honest!
We had a surprise guest at playgroup today. I am becoming an old hat at meeting him now and while some of my little friends were a bit dubious I was right in there chatting with my old mate! I sang him a song (Santa Claus is coming to town) and he gave me another present! However, I was not too impressed when I got it home and it was a BABY book! Oh well at least he got the chocolate right and I guess it is a busy time for him. I just hope he does a better job of the real Christmas, I took my opportunity to remind him again that I would like a yellow tow truck, like Grandad Dogs, and a new (blue) train track.
PS – 10 more sleeps!!
After our brief meeting in town by his castle in the week, I was very excited to go and have a proper chat with Father Christmas. After a couple of false starts we found his reindeer first and then had to wait a while in a queue but it was finally my turn. He knew my name and i told him where I live, good job I’ve learnt my address this week! When he asked what I would like for Christmas I told him a yellow tow truck (like Grandad dog’s), a train track and that my favourite was Octonauts… but I’m sure he already knew that really because he knows everything! I was very lucky and Santa gave me some magic dust to put on out step on Christmas Eve so Rudolph can find my house, a sticker and a certificate to prove I really met him AND a special chocolate box! Wow what a day it’s been, topped off by checking out all the christmas lights in town on the way to the Chinese and being allowed to stay up and see the start of the Xfactor!!
Will it ever end? To be honest I’m getting a bit sick of mummy dragging me out in this, I’d much rather be at home in the warm. Oh well, at least we have to wait in for the parcel man today. I’m hoping he won’t come too early! Poor mummy is off to dig the bin out now brrrrr…. could be worse Daddy’s gone to work again.
Today, instead of running away to hide, I asked mummy if I could help with the hoovering! I’m taking this being good for Father Christmas business very seriously indeed!
Just as we thought the snow was going, and Frosty’s head fell off with the melting, it hasn’t really stopped snowing all day today. For a while it looked like we were going to be the only ones mad enough to venture out to playgroup but some others turned up eventually. My artwork is proudly displayed on the library wall now – a rather fetching snowman and a sparkly snow flake.