Mummy made meget a wriggle on this morning because she reckoned the sun wouldn’t last – she was right of course. We were the first ones at the country park and had made it right round and I’d had a lolly by the time most people were arriving! All the ducks were ready for their breakfast and there was lots of wildlife to be spotted, we saw all the usual ducks and swans, lots of fishes, pond snails, dragonflies and even a squirrel! We even had time to stop off at the playground before lunch. After all that exercise I wasn’t too bothered about a boring afternoon while mummy sorted my toy room and fillled up her new bathroom cupboard. The workmen were back again, this time trying to change the boiler timer (it took 4 of them) and tomorrow they’re coming to mess up my toy room and make the TV ariel work (maybe).
Rain rain go away don’t come back another day! Soon as we bought all the food for our BBQ the rain started and only stopped long enough to tease us then it started again and again and again. After daddy had cleaned the BBQ and bought a new gas bottle we had to ditch the idea and just use the oven. Still we had and good time and I scored a bag of goodies!
Well Daddy’s gone off to watch Batman so Mummy and me have been out for our picnic at the whitewater that didn’t happen yesterday. It was mega windy today but quite sunny. Lots of men out on the water and I spotted a couple of kids too, hmm wonder if I could do that?! Better get back to perfecting my swimming first.
Mummy said we had to move quick this morning while the sun was shining. Turns out she was right, and by the time we got back from the park the clouds were forming. So we postponed our picnic at the Whitewater rafting and went to Maccy D’s instead. Mummy said after that treat I had to put up with a little bit of shopping. I wasn’t too happy but I got me a cushion full of hilarity! Watch out where you sit everyone! Paarrumph! Was that you?
Mummy and Daddy have been poorly AGAIN! I hope they’re better soon, it’s hard work being in charge.
Despite being pretty cloudy it was a very hot day today. Harry and Charlie came knocking again to see if I was playing out but I told them it’s not safe to play out when the workmen are there and anyway I was going out to see my friend Reuben. I had a good play with Reuben in his garden while we waited for his daddy to bring the car seat he had taken to work in his car back (It must be a daddy thing, my daddy had taken my shark hat with him in his car today too). Then we headed off to the seaside. We had a go in the playground, a picnic, a paddle, and a messy ice-cream competition! I think Reuben won the competition. After such a busy day, is it any wonder Mummy had to carry me in from the car?
Daddy started his new shifts today so he had to go to work on a Monday. Mummy took me to Preston park and I figured if I am brave enough to go on the zip wire, I would have a go on the big rope swing. I quite liked it until some of the bigger kids made it go too high, then I decided to stick with the seesaw.
After a good go in the playground we scooted round to the miniature train track and finally found a sign saying when it will be working. I was prepared to wait for the next train but Mummy said we had to come back another day – humph.
I think the trip to the park was just to soften me up because as soon as daddy got home we all went on a really boring trip to Ikea, the biggest shop in the world and all they bought was 3 lights and a laundry basket – yawn!
Today Mummy and Daddy had secret plans of going strawberry picking and to the ice cream factory but I had other plans! I woke them up bright and early at 4.30 being sick, after changing my bed and getting me back off to sleep I decided it was best to keep being sick every half hour or so until Daddy got up and took me downstairs. Once there we caught up on yesterdays qualifying and I made sure to keep daddy awake by being sick again every half hour or so.
Daddy also had to take my new bike back to Tesco and swap it for another one (which he had to put together again) because the peddles didn’t stop when I did.
All sorted out now just hope I feel better later on so I can ride it later.
Well you’d think so anyway… really it was Emily’s birthday and Mummy took me to her party back at Seaton Carew. She had a bouncy castle and party games. I won lots of sweets and a colouring set at pass the parcel. Emily wasn’t very impressed with having a party and ran and cried when we sang happy birthday, so Joshua blew her candles out for her. It was a very impressive Noddy cake.

When we got home daddy had a big surprise for me. No pictures today though, we’ll have to take some tomorrow, But daddy did a video!