Wow what a hot day! We got up nice and early, well me and Granny did so we could have a good play before taking Gus to the beach. I took my shoes and socks off and walked for ages on the beach, maybe it will make me want to walk all the time?

Next we packed the car up and set off for Alnwick gardens. I had a good sleep on the way there ready for the action. We stopped off at the shops on the way to get things for a nice picnic. It was really busy there and everyone was sat on the grass watching the water falls so we were limited to the space I had to crawl around in, how rude! We saw mummy’s friend Irene she had not seem me since I was a tiny baby and was very impressed at how well I had grown up.

On the way home we stopped off at the ice cream factory, it was so full we had to park in a field that smelt of cow poo! Everyone had a good snooze on the way home, well I think they did I wouldn’t know I was asleep! When we got back it was so hot we went in the back garden and played with my water table and on my slide, Granny had as much of a good time as I did. Granddad and daddy watched the race and listened to the football, Jenson won again but Middlesbrough and Newcastle got relegated to the rubbish league.

I think I like sunny days!