Today we went and picked up Jessica and Matthew and we all went with mummy and daddy to Middlesbrough. First we went on the transporter bridge, Matthew and daddy got out and watched it go over the water but Jessica didnt like it so she just hung onto the car door. Next we went to McDonalds for dinner then off to see the snowboarding, daddy had heard about it on the radio but it turned out to be rubish! After that we we all went to see Santa, to get there we had to sit in his big sleigh and it took us on a 3D rollercoaster all the way to the North pole. It was so good i was sick all over myself and mummy, just after daddy took this…

Argh RUN!
Daddy’s at work today, can you tell?
Today I let mummy and daddy sleep til after 7am, wow I am getting a good boy! Well not really, just it takes me a bit of concentration to get standing up in my cot so they get a few extra minutes of me being quiet in the morning.
This morning we went to Teesside Park to pick up my free photo. Mummy says it’s not my best ever pose but it’s ok for free. We didn’t even get a cardboard frame with it this time though. Bah. Afterwards we had a look around Stockton because daddy had seen adverts for a Sparkle Festival thing, when we finally found the craft fair it was a bit rubbish.
We ended up coming home and mummy and daddy (mainly daddy) painted the back wall of the living room. I’m glad I don’t have to do it, this decorating is taking for ever…
It’s official cos I’ve got my big boy’s seat in daddy’s car. I really like it, it’s nice and high up so I can see out the window, and I can see mummy and daddy easily. I’ve sent grandad a text to let him know I’ll soon be ready for my Scalectrix!
Daddy took us to PIzza Hut for lunch to celebrate pay day and me being a big boy and just to prove it I had some pizza crusts, yummmm!
I reckon I can stake out this chimney til then…

Daddy had to go to work today, I made sure to wake up before he had to get up so I could see him and I’ve been busy playing by myself while mummy tidied up. It’s not as much fun without daddy…
The weather man last night said it was going to snow between 4 and 8 am today so I thought we’d better get up at 6 to see what snow was all about… and I wasn’t disapointed!

This afternoon I went to see Aunty Angela and Jessica and Matthew again while mummy and daddy did some painting on our new doors. They took me to see nana but I was a bit grumpy, my teeth are hurting me lots at the moment 🙁
Well supposed to be it just looks like a mess to me! 2 men came today and ripped out our old doors to put some new ones in. They said they would be finished by lunchtime so mummy took me to town to get out the way. We saw Leanne, Ellie and Leo looking at toys in Woolworths. Ellie is only a month older than me but she has lots more hair. Mummy says I should stop growing so tall for a while and concentrate on hair, hmmm.
When we got home the men had nowhere near finished so I had my dinner and tried to help speed things up. Spoilsport mummy said I wasn’t allowed though so I gave up eventually and went to sleep despite their noise. This is what I woke up to: