Tomorrow is my birthday but today is mummy and daddy’s 5th wedding anniversary. So because it was nothing special they spent all day running around after me!
We had lots of shopping to do for my party tomorrow, first we went to Asda, then tesco and we almost had to go to Iceland too but mummy talked herself out of it. Once the fridge and freezer was full it was time to make my cake. It only took 4 hours and it was almost bed time when it was ready for inspection. I was happy with the results so I let mummy go out for a meal with Daddy as she had done so well!
Last sleep as a <1 year old
Mummy said they were coming back today and they did! Daddy is at work but as soon as he is finished my Birthday weekend can begin!

Mummy keeps saying they are coming soon and I keep looking for them out the window but there is no sign at all…
Maybe we missed them as well as the postman with daddy’s new camera… oh dear.
This morning mummy blew up Granny’s toaster and I think after that they decided we needed to make a quick escape before Granny and Grandad got home, so I got bundled, along with my toys and stuff ,back into the car. I slept for as long as I could and when I woke up we went for a nice lunch but I was none too impressed when we headed straight back to the car AGAIN. Oh well we’re home now after an eternity in my car seat. Thanks for having me Granny and Grandad and thank you nanny for my early birthday present, I’m working on getting mummy to put it up for me in the dining room!
Just got back from a afternoon down the town with Mummy, Granny, Nanny and all Grannys friends. We had lunch then went shopping for presents for ME! yey
Nanny has got me a cool tent and tunnel play set for in the garden. Granny and Mummy said they wanted to get it out and have a look at it, Daddy said it was not a good idea but the did it any way. It looks very good even if it did take up all the space in the living room. Mummy had a quick play in it to try and get me to go in it. Now we have the problem of how to get it back in the box. Daddy is keeping out of it cause even with instructions its just impossable.

Yesterday Mummy and Daddy left me all on my own, well OK with Granny and Granddad for the day and night. Mummy and Daddy went to a really posh hotel were babies are not allowed to go. They stayed in a really big room called a Suite that Daddy had got as a extra special surprise for Mummy. They ate lots of nice food and said that it was really really nice. Oh well I guess they deserve a break from me as its almost been a year since they had a night on their own. They showed me some pictures of the place they stayed, doesn’t look that good to me as there was no pool or toys!
They came back today but I didnt get a present, not sure ill let them go away again, good job Granny and Granddad got me some new toys! Granny and Grandad are not really into in the night Garden they just don’t get it! Granny said that there is a Thomas on tv tomorrow so maybe they will like that more.
Today we got up and went to Northampton to see Mummy’s friend Shirley and her little boy Jamie. We took them lots of nice presents and some cakes that Daddy ended up sitting on (oops!) We had lots of fun playing with Jamie’s toys and a really good lunch, I ate loads (yum yum)
We took Granny’s new camera to see if we liked it before Daddy got a new one, the test went well and our new camera is in the post! Hope it gets here before my party in 9 days time!!
Here are some test photos:
Finally its time for our little holiday to Granny and Grandads. We set off after mummys driving lesson and i had a good sleep then a good moan then another good sleep. Grandad was waiting for us to get there so daddy could take him to the bank to pay for his new car (yes another one!) Mummy is worried that Grandad is spending her enheratance but Grandad says not to worry as there was never going to be any at all. After i got over the trauma of getting here we went to see Granny round at work, I was a bit grumpy but Granny didnt seem to mind.
Daddy went to work this morning and went to get a subway on the way from the petrol station near the A19 some fool was coming around the corner on the wrong side of the road and almost smashed into daddy’s car. Daddy had to jam the breaks on and the pray that the mad man moved, luckily he did and daddy is alive to tell the tale.
Late last night whilst I was sleeping (before i woke up at 11 anyway) Mummy had a brain wave! If Thomas was no where to be seen then he must be somewhere stupid, like in the bin. Sure enough she found my hiding place and the search is now off. Sorry for dropping you in the bin Thomas. PEEP PEEP!