Well after another hard day at nursery whilst mummy and daddy relaxed we are finally ready to go on holiday!! Mummy said I had to have a good long sleep and then it would be time to go on the aeroplane!!!
Well Mummy and Daddy are both finished work and uni ready to go on holiday, its been a long time coming but its almost hear now!! Just 2 days left at nursery and I will be finished too. Bit of a funny day today we dropped Mummy off at her friends in Billingham then went swimming it was that early when we got there daddy must have still been half asleep and forgot to put my arm bands on, it was really good though i could swim loads better with just my float suit on!! After dinner we went to pick Mummy up from a school near Durham then after tea we had to take her back to Durham for a night out, after I went to sleep apparently Daddy and I went back for mummy and brought her home, few quite a few trips to Durham. I think I must have slept through the last trip cause I don’t remember it!!
Today daddy and I were supposed to be having coffee at the park with daddy’s friend June but it was such a nice day we went to Whitby! After having eventually getting parked and making our way through all the old people we had a walk on the pier, but decided against going on the beach as it looked very wet so headed to the arcades to see if we could win some more toy cars. Unfortunately our luck just wasn’t in it today and we walked away empty handed after June and I fed the machine with all our 2p coins. Seems we ended up being a little to late for lunch as all the fish shops had queues outside them so we decided to head to the pub just over the bridge. It was very nice and had a really good view over the river so I could see all the little boats.

After lunch daddy went to put another ticket on the car whilst he was doing that June decided to teach me how to blow raspberries when daddy got back he wasn’t so happy because I have been getting told off for blowing sloppy raspberries for weeks!! Because I had been good all day Daddy took us on Elizabeth the steam bus!! I was very excited except for all the noise and the seam coming out of the front but daddy picked me up and carried me aboard and all was well again. The people that owned Elizabeth told us all about her as they drove us around Whitby, it was very noisy and the lady said we had picked the bumpiest seats at the back!
but we had a nice walk in the park anyway. We had an icecream and watched the mad people on the fair rides, I particularly liked one that looked very much like my Sodor Island.
I helped mummy to plant her new plants when we got home but I don’t know why mummy and daddy didn’t want watering too…
Busy sleeping anyway… nursery seem very happy that I’ve still been getting over being poorly and had a good long nap every day this week without much coaxing. It’s been a busy few days; on Wednesday we went on a bear hunt, and we caught a little one! I got very creative and made teddybear ear headband that i didn’t want to take off all day long. On Thursday I was given a sticker with a cat on for being very polite and saying lots of please and thank yous. On Friday the sun finally made a reapearance and we got to play running and motorbikes outside.
Mummy has been told that there might be a special guest appearance of someone extra special at Stewarts Park this weekend but we can’t find anything about it on the internet. Hopefully it’s true and we will manage to get there at the right time – watch this space for photos…
Mummy wasn’t very well this morning so she had to stay home and daddy and I looked after her. Daddy thought booking 2 nights in London in the summer would cheer her up and it did!! Not all been good today though, whilst I was sleeping daddy took mummy’s car to get the air conditioning fixed but its going to cost far too much money unless we can talk uncle Mike into fixing it for us. So for now we are just going to have to boil in the summer heat, roll on autumn!!
It’s been a bit miserable weather today but we had plenty of fun in the sun yesterday and me and Gusdog got Granny up early to play before a mega shoe shopping session today. Not long now until our holidays and apparently everyone but mummy and me are going to have pert bottoms for the beach – I’m not bothered cos I’ve got cowboy shoes!
Well a card from the postman saying they have something of mine that someone didn’t pay enough postage on. Mummy says we can go and pick it up in the morning and Grandad can reimburse us at the weekend!
Mummy and daddy took me to the drs today cos I seem to be covered in spots again and mummy was a bit paranoid it might be the chicken pox that has been going round nursery. We’re none the wiser what it is but it’s not the pox so it’s back to nursery tomorrow while mummy goes in to uni.