Swim day!
Posted on November 14th, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments »
Been a busy day today, mummy and daddy decided to go to bed at 8pm last night but it didn’t do them any good cause I woke them up just after midnight cause i got my head stuck in the corner of my cot. Next i thought 5.17am was a good time to get them up and i moaned until mummy finally gave up and took me down stairs. Once daddy got up and got sorted we all went from breakfast at Lloyd’s it was very nice even though i only had toast. After breakfast we went shopping and i fell asleep, mummy had to hold my head up as I was in a big boy trolley (oops). After lunch we all went swimming but we had to go in the big pool because the baby pool was in use. The big pool was not as warm as the baby pool don’t think i will e going in there very much! I’m having a little nap whilst mummy (and daddy) watch Mamma Mia, I liked the first few songs but then fell asleep. Mummy is going out tonight with the girls so its just me and daddy tonight, wonder how much trouble I can get up to!