Archive for November, 2008

Splish, splash, splosh

Posted on November 6th, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Today mummy took me swimming for the first time in ages. Last time we went I was the littlest baby but today I was one of the bigger kids. I splished and splashed and sploshed like my middle name should be Nemo, mummy said I really showed them babies how to swim! Wow was I worn out by bed time! Can’t wait til tomorrow to see Granny and Grandad, mummy said I can stop up a little bit if they’re late getting here.

Happy birthday Granny!

Posted on November 5th, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Today there were fireworks everywhere especially for my Granny’s birthday. I watched a few with mummy in our neighbours garden but after a while I got bored and wanted my bedtime bottle. Charlie doesn’t much like them, the bangs make him bark. I’ve got granny a really good present but she hasn’t got it yet, she has to wait until they come to see me this weekend. I did do a model pose for her birthday card though.

Early morning=long day

Posted on November 4th, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

I thought it would be a good idea to wake up at 5am this morning! Mummy and daddy didn’t agree but hey im in charge! Daddy got sick of me keeping them awake and got up and took me down stairs, we sat and watched some tv and played some games and about 7 I went back to sleep for an hour, daddy was just about to fall asleep and I woke up (hee hee). Later on we went to teesside park for me to have my photo taken, there was no one waiting but they said they were busy and we would have to come back another time, humph rubbish. After lunch we went to see nanna and grandad then mummy had her 3rd driving lesson (she had another one yesterday). Today she was on the roads with normal people, yikes! Daddy took Charlie to the new vets around the corner to have his booster jab the vet said he was in good shape even if he isn’t ok in the head!

I can almost say dad

Posted on November 2nd, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Over the last week or so I have been practicing saying mummy but daddy had been teaching me to say daddy and dad and I can almost do it, he says if i practice loads I will be able to do it before granny and grandad come next weekend. Today we went and got a baby gate to keep me in the living room and to keep Charlie in the dining room when im playing. Daddy was very happy Lewis Hamilton won the F1 championship, it was a really exciting race, well so he tells me i was in the bath for the end of it, there was lots of shouting. Oh its been a busy day off to bed now, night night x.

Charlie is in trouble

Posted on November 1st, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Mummy and daddy are not very happy with Charlie because he keeps snapping at me when im playing on the floor. Daddy says that we should put him in the kitchen when im playing but mummy says he might have to find another home because she cant see him getting any better and he doesn’t like me playing with his toys or going near them. Poor old Charlie he has had a rough life at times.