Today we went to Whitby just to have a look around, but that didn’t last very long when mummy felt how cold it was and we ended up in a pub having fish and chips despite daddy going out tonight for his tea. I tried my hardest to save him from himself by moaning and playing up when their dinner came but it didn’t work and I only got a few chips off mummy’s plate.
On the way back to the car you will never guess who we spotted… Only the Fat Controller!!! He was a bit miserable and must have been on a day off work like daddy cos he just kept pointing in the wrong direction when I asked him where Thomas was… Oh well, mummy said when we go on holiday we are going to see Thomas!
Well I found my Thomas and Percy in the car and after all that excitement and sea air I was worn out on the way home…
Today we went to Middlesbrough so Mummy could take her driving standards theory test. She has been learning from a book and a c.d. that Daddy got her and although it was a big test didn’t seem scared at all. Whilst she did the test Daddy and I went for a walk to the fountains and then around the shops then to a place calls Starbucks.
I was not really that interested and fell asleep, next thing I know we were at Stuarts park. Mummy had passed her test yey! I’m told I have been to Stuarts park before but I was only about 6 weeks old so don’t really remember it.
There was lots of animals there and they all wanted feeding as did we. So we went and fed the ducks but as they were a bit boring we saved some bread for the chickens and goats. After a nice lunch in the cafe we set off back to the car via the animals. Daddy was scared of the Goats but Mummy was not.
Mummy said when she can drive she is going to buy a big bag of carrots for the animals and we can go and feed them all!
This morning a parcel came for me and it was all the way from Canada (via Amazon) It was from Daddy’s friend Chris. I was really happy cause it was a book and it came with a soft toy too (good for eating) Thanks Chris!
After a really long sleep we went to Teesside park for some food then a look around the shops, I was a very good boy and the day was over with before we realised.
Well I made it through my first year, which is no mean feat in itself, but here of some of the things I’ve achieved for all of those of you who thought that all I did was eat, sleep and fill my nappies:
I was born at 3.41kg/7lb8.5 – today I weigh in at 10.90kg/24lb exactly.
I’ve grown 27 cm taller from 54cm to 81cm.
I’m now wearing 12-18mth clothes and mummy says a year ago I was lost in newborn size.
I can say mama and dada, though lately I only tend to when I want to moan.
I’ve just got my 7th tooth and number 8 is on its way.
I can crawl at break neck speed and pull myself up to standing and walk around the furniture with no problem. I’m still too chicken to try walking without holding on, though I have forgotten to keep hold occassionally when standing still and managed not to break my neck.
When it comes to food I’ll give anything a go, but my favourites are spag bol, blueberries, weetabix and banana, oh and icecream and chocolate when I’m allowed.
I have my own passport and so far I’ve been on 3 holidays as well as loads of trips to see my Granny and Grandad in Banbury. So far I’ve been to the Isle of Wight, the Lake District, Amsterdam and I’ve spent one whole night away from mummy and daddy in Banbury with Granny and Grandad to look after me.
I can build towers with my cups and smaller towers with blocks, I can stack rings and sort shapes (especially green ones).
My favourite things to do are playing with anything Thomas the Tank Engine, reading my books, going to Baby Babble on a Wednesday afternoon and going swimming with mummy and daddy. I also love anything musical that I can boogie to and mummy and daddy say I’m a telebug.
Here’s some pictures to show you how I’ve grown over the last year
Well its all over now , well till next year that is. Granny, Grandad and Gussdog have gone back home but not before we took lots of nice pictures together. I got up nice and early so that I could spend some quality time with them before they went but they were tired and had a good lie in, well better than they usually get! I got up with daddy and we watched Thomas and I got to wear my new dressing gown.
This afternoon I sleep for ages. Mummy said it was cause yesterday had caught up with me! Today I have been coughing loads more and my nose has been really snotty again. Daddy is back to work tomorrow how boring!
It’s finally here all today was MY birthday! YEY I made sure we got up really early as we had so much more to do before my party at 12 o’clock. I got lots of great toys some of them were Thomas! Daddy took me to see Nanna and Granddad but Granddad was out shopping then took me for a drive to get me to sleep so I was ready for my party.
Not too many people came to my party but it was really good and the people who did come seemed to have a good time and they all seemed to like me.
After my party we went to see Nanna and Granddad and this time he was in! I was very tired but did my best to stay awake till we got home again.
Oh what a busy day, thank you everyone who came to my party and thank you for my great presents xx