Abandoned and tortured
Posted on June 7th, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments »
Mummy and daddy abandoned me last night with my dinner and Aunty Angela to go and see some old men called Take That. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they made me sit through their photos and videos of it today! Although I did quite like the music and had a little boogie. (see their photos here)
We haven’t done much very exciting today, just shopping at Asda and then daddy and I needed some new shoes. We had a look in Brantano where I got my sandals from but they didn’t have any for either of us off we went to Clarks. Only one of my feet had grown half a size so I ended up with the same size as I already have but mummy said I needed some proper shoes with support, daddy didn’t look so sure when the lady said they were £28!!!! but his were even more so he couldn’t argue too much (and mine have bugs on!)