Nursery morning
Posted on August 27th, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments »
This morning mummy took me back to nursery and left me for the whole morning by myself. I’m not sure I was as impressed as last time overall. There were lots more kids there today, we played in the garden when I first got there, and I enjoyed my fruit at snack time but had a few tears from time to time. After lunch (mince and dumplings, which I didn’t eat and strawberries and icecream, which I did eat!) all the other kids had a lie down and went to sleep. I had a lie down for a few minutes then sat up to see what else was going on – far too early to be napping, daft kids! Anyway the lady took me to the baby room to play for a while and I saw mummy’s car arriving through their window. I had a few more tears at mummy just so she thought I’d missed her and let her make me a sandwich when we got home, and I’m currently trying my hardest to still not go to sleep even though mummy has promised me she won’t be lonely…