What else would you do on a rainy day?
Posted on September 5th, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments »
Today was our last day during the week as a family before we all split and go our different ways, well not really just during the days. From Monday Mummy will be training to be a teacher and I will be going to Nursery 3 and a half days a week and daddy will be looking after me the other days during the week. So we decided to have a nice family day out, as it was raining and really windy we were stuck for ideas so we went to the Metro Centre (what else did you expect?)
I had a good sleep on the way there ready for all the excitement of looking in stupid shops! Least we had some nice dinner in the new Fankie and Bennys. We sat upstairs on the balcony and I really liked being able to see all the people walking around below us, even if the fire alarm did go off! We did buy much but they seemed to have a good time, bless them.