Scaredy cat cure needed
Posted on November 18th, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments »
We went to mummy’s new school today to sort out her paperwork finally. I promised to be a good boy but had a bit of a melt down because I thought she was taking me to the toilet and I’m petrified of hand dryers. I’d just about calmed down when a floor cleaner came along eeek! Does anyone know a cure for scaredy cats because all I want to do is go home!
Although I did have fun at playgroup. I made a beeline for the policeman’s outfit again and the shop till but had another hissy fit because I wasn’t allowed to bring it home to my house. Oh dear, the day seems to have been filled with tears and tantrums again, I hope Father Christmas wasn’t watching today. I’m a good boy really – honest!
PS mummy says she’s having trouble finding a policeman’s outfit so if any one sees one can they pass it on to Father Christmas. The one I like is from Early learning but it’s obviously been updated to a yellow jacket that isn’t as good. I’d like a hard helmet not a floppy thing, preferably with a neenaw sound when you press the badge. There’s a picture a bit further down for help.