Archive for July, 2012

William the architect

Posted on July 20th, 2012 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

This morning I built a model and told mummy it was The Angel of Hartlepool. Mummy asked did I mean Stockton but I said no it was Hartlepool and tootled off to make an Angel of Stockton too!
I’ve been playing with Reuben in the sunshine this afternoon. We bounced a bit too much on daddy’s handy work and broke the bouncy again – better get mummy stitching!

Busy first day of the holidays

Posted on July 19th, 2012 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Lots going on today, Daddy had to go to work and Mummy said we had to stay in to wait for a window man. I settled down to play tiddlywinks which proved no mean feat on our new carpet! Luckily the man came fairly early and guess where Mummy said we were going for our first holiday activity??? Back to nursery! Crazy Mummy!
Turns out she was right and we were just in time for a special circle time with singing and some special presentations. Guess who was first up for the presentations!?! Mrs P said she wished me lots of luck and hoped I enjoyed my new school. I said I would!
Next up Mummy took me to the arcades. I’m sure there are cheaper ways to get a few sweets but we had fun I suppose. Then for a walk on the beach, not exactly like Granny and Grandad’s postcards of Skiathos but I enjoyed throwing stones in and running from the waves. Not as much as I enjoyed my fish and chips lunch though! Yummmeeeeee!!!

End of en era

Posted on July 18th, 2012 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Well today was my last day at Seaton Carew Nursery School. Somehow between me and daddy we managed to keep it a secret from Mummy that today was fancy dress. I finally told her last night that I needed a dinosaur costume that turns into a shark. Well, I’m not totally unreasonable and I did say I’d settle for a shark. I even hleped Mummy out with the spotted belly a bit. I reckon she did pretty well all things considered!
Guess what Mrs Cooks came dressed as?? Only an Orca! We looked great together! I am going to miss Mrs Cooks but think I will enjoy my new school too.

So whats been happening over the last 9 months to a year

Posted on July 14th, 2012 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Well biggest news and the main reason we have been so busy is we have moved house to a brand new estate. Here is our new house.

Well that didn’t take up the full year but I have been busy going to nursery too and growing of course, oh and did I mention Disney land?? Maybe I’ll save that for another post, told you it had been busy!

Hello, hello, testing, testing 1 2 3

Posted on July 13th, 2012 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Erm….. well this is very embarrassing, I haven’t been here for a very long time. Lots and Lots has happened in the last year and we have been very busy with it all but I think its about time we got back to documenting things.

So how about we have a little catch up and then just move on like we never left??

Good plan, I’m good at planning we do that a lot at my new nursery, Seaton Carew nursery, only problem is I wont be there for much longer as I’m off to big school in September. Oh and speaking of big school I’m going to one on Stockton called Holy trinity rose hill (bit of a mouth full) but mummy and daddy did really well to get me in to a good school where I stand a good chance of becoming even more clever.

Oh and before I forget we have moved house to Stockton too, I told you we had been busy. Anyway I’ll put some relavent pictures on here later on and lets get busy with the blogging!