Watch out for attack swans and stick men

Posted on January 25th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

This mornings activity was a walk round Hardwick country park, we had got some proper bird seed from the pound shop last time we went to the town as the posh birds in the country park don’t like bread. Whilst I was posing for pictures one of the swans tried to eat me! Thankfully I managed to get away without it getting too close. On the way back to the car we came across some stick men in the woods and lots of leaves left over from autumn.

Muddy walk in the park

Posted on January 23rd, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

This morning we decided to to to Preston park to have a walk and feed the ducks but most of all to play on the swings 🙂

My new racing car seat!!

Posted on January 22nd, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

When we got home from Scarbrough yesterday my new car seat had arrived. I had to wait till today to test it out but its very good! Thank you Granny and Grandad – hopefully this one last me a few years until I’m bigger than the average 12 year old!

Broken window

Posted on January 21st, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

So we are sat minding out own business and eating our tea when….


there was a massive bang mummy looked outside to find that the living room window had exploded. When daddy came home he had a look at it and it looked like someone had thrown a stone at it…. how rude!

Scarborough day trip

Posted on January 18th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Well rather than the usual not knowing what to do with our day off today, mummy had the idea of going to Scarborough to the aquarium. Daddy remembered he had a 2 for 1 voucher, so that was a done deal and off we headed in the GupA (that’s one of the Octonauts submarines). I was Captain Barnacles, Daddy was Peso and mummy was Quasi. After lots of bumpy, twisty, turny roads we arrived. The first Octonauts mission was to find fish and chips for lunch, but not before I tried my luck at winning millions on the slots machines. I think I might have suceeded if Peso hadn’t kept stealing my winnings to aid in his not winning a SuperMario…
We met several friends along the way and had a great time at the aquarium – although Peso took lots of pictures of the fish and not many of me!!! (next time I’ll take Dashi Dog, not that silly penguin)

Brithday video

Posted on January 17th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Yes its took almost a year but daddy finally got my milkshake card video off the sky+ box and onto the internet, yey!!

You have to look after your local ducks too.

Posted on January 16th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

We decided due to all the recent ice and bad weather that we better go check on the ducks at the park round the corner. We have some visitors from Canada staying too and they look like they need lots of feeding up before their trip home. After feeding the wild life we walked back up to the swings, whilst walking we passed a boy in an electric car going to the swings too. I had a good run around with him but best of all he let me have a go of his electric car which I thought was very funny!

Paint time

Posted on January 8th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Mummy has been trying to teach me to draw people since my little friend Jo gave me a christmas card with a picture of us he’d drawn in. Little did she know I could probably already do it if I only could be bothered. After all I did draw Grandad ages ago, but never again since.
Anyway here are my creations from today…

Mummy looking like a bulldog

could be worse this is me!

And then I found my mojo again in time for Grandad

and last but not least before we ran out of paper, Granny and Gusdog.

Howdy cowboy!

Posted on January 8th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »


Back to nursery

Posted on January 6th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Mummy started at her new school today and I finally got to go back to nursery. Unluckily for mummy and daddy there are new managers and mummy ended up paying a new booking fee that wasn’t expected. I had a great time anyway. Becky couldn’t wait to tell mummy when she picked me up all about how I’d sat and strung 26 beads on a string and then played snake with it while the other kids just managed 1 or 2 at best, and how I’d sung the Barney song followed by Bob the Builder to everyone. I thought it was more important to let mummy know that they didn’t have the train track out and I have a new friend, I don’t know his name but he’s a brown boy!