Erm….. well this is very embarrassing, I haven’t been here for a very long time. Lots and Lots has happened in the last year and we have been very busy with it all but I think its about time we got back to documenting things.
So how about we have a little catch up and then just move on like we never left??
Good plan, I’m good at planning we do that a lot at my new nursery, Seaton Carew nursery, only problem is I wont be there for much longer as I’m off to big school in September. Oh and speaking of big school I’m going to one on Stockton called Holy trinity rose hill (bit of a mouth full) but mummy and daddy did really well to get me in to a good school where I stand a good chance of becoming even more clever.
Oh and before I forget we have moved house to Stockton too, I told you we had been busy. Anyway I’ll put some relavent pictures on here later on and lets get busy with the blogging!
MORNING!! Ok so breakfast quick then off to the park before they let the normal people in! They have these handy yellow buses that save you having to walk from the hotel to the park which is nice but they do get full. More rides today lots of them and even more shops but they are good shops cause they all sell toys and cool Disney things. In the afternoon we went to the Disney studio and went on the back lot tour which was a bit scary cause of all the fire and water that I wasn’t expecting, they tried to cheer me up by taking me to see the stunt show but that was scary too cause there was lots of shooting and the cars were very loud. Later on we went back to the hotel for a little rest before going to Cafe Micky to meet all the characters!
Well today was finally the day we set off to Paris, well somewhere near there anyway. We got up really early and got in a taxi to the train station, there was lots of people there going to work but we all managed to find seats. Once we got to London we got in a black cab and went to St. Pancreas to wait for our Euro star train. Lots more people off to work but there was lots and lots of people going to Disneyland! Eventually after lots of waiting around it was time to get on the train. It was the biggest train I have ever seen, it took us about 10 minuets to walk to our carriage and it wasn’t even the furthest away! I really liked the Euro star, it was very fast and we go to go in lots of tunnels, one of them we were in for half an hour, I cant believe mummy and daddy thought I would go to sleep… no way!
Eventually after what seemed like hours and hours we got to Disneyland, dumped out bags and went to meet Micky and meet him we did. We even got Grandad to go on some rides and had a well earned Dinner in the Rainforest cafe. When we made it to our hotel Micky mouse was waiting for me in my bed! Cant wait for more of the same tomorrow!
Well on a positive note the Advent Elf came last last night and filled up the windows on my house, however I also seem to have got myself some poorly eyes last night too. The doctor has given me some horrible eye drops but on the plus side mummy took me to MacDonalds to cheer me up a bit.
On another positive note, someone has finally put an offer in to buy our house, but on the downside it’s a rubbish offer 🙁 Will I ever get my new bedroom?
Hope I’m feeling and looking a lot better tomorrow cos I’ve got exciting plans for an afternoon with Reuben!
It’s been a long time since we’ve had an update and there’s been way too much going on to catch up with, but today I’ve been doing a very special job that you all should be aware of…
Well I’m back, but I’ve been far too busy checking up on all my toys to update the website. Daddy has gone off camping and mummy and been lost under a pile of washing for most of the day so I guess you’ll have to watch this space for holiday updates.

Daddy breaks up tonight so really the holidays start officially then!
I’ve had a very busy day today – this morning we had to get ready for lots of pick ups and drop offs, the most exciting by far was my new big boy bed!!!
I wanted to spend all day upstairs playing on it and putting things in my secret drawers but mummy made me come down to play with Reuben. I had a good time really but I’m quite excited to go back up to bed now.
Well actually he took us already. We had a great day and saw lots of different animals. The rhinos had a fight and so did the monkeys, even the lions had a bit of a grumble! We watched the tigers being fed and I was almost brave enough to feed a penguin myself, but I chickened out right at the last minute when I saw just how smelly their fish dinner was. Obviously to remind me of my trip I chose to buy a snake, despite daddy’s best efforts to talk me into a tiger and mummy wanting a giraffe. I’ve eventually settled on calling him Sidney because mummy says I can’t call everyone Jack and last week’s baby shark is called Jack – well Jack is my best friend! It’s starting get very cramped in my bed at night.
Wow, look what surprise was waiting for me when I got home from nursery! That’s definitely coming into my new big boys room when I get it!
Oh and talking of nursery, apparently Jensen Button came today… at least that’s what I told Mummy. But he didn’t say anything, he was just quiet and he is smaller than me.
All set for my holidays to Corfu now. i’ll be the coolest dude round the pool… with my freebie snap cards! Oh and Mummy says I have to wear my new clothes and hats too 🙂