Daddy decided it was time to try out his old tent in readiness for his fifth, or will it be sixth, summer jolly. I helped him to simulate rain with the hosepipe, but if that’s what he’s expecting I’m quite pleased I’m staying home with Mummy on that one. Although I was a bit disappointed when Mummy said we weren’t camping in the garden tonight.

Well it’s a good job it we have a few trial runs because no-one remembered a camera or to check where we were going going and how to get there!
In stark contrast to the last christening we went to, this one was a blink and you’ll miss it affair! Seemed more like a paddling pool party – Ryan got all his gel washed out his hair and baby ben just wanted to climb in the water.
I was much more interested in the chocolate cake at the pub afterwards and running around like a mad boy catching giant bugs.
I was very impressed with the big bridge we got to ride over on the way to Hull but was a bit too worn out to fully appreciate the aquarium the next day. I must learn to pace myself if I’m going to survive this summer. Just look how the colour has been drained out of me…

Well it’s been a bit quiet lately with the weather turning rubbish and nothing much going on but today is the start of Mummy’s holidays and this weekend is the first of our sumertime adventures. We’re off to Ryan and baby Ben’s christening and the to a new aquarium. Not long now til our trip to Corfu and I’m getting very excited!
Wow, its amazing what you can find on the internet and daddy said he has found the island of Sodor!! Not only that but when we go away to the lakes we can have a look for it!!

Today we went to try out a new place, mummy and me hadn’t been there before but daddy said he used to go there when he was younger. We had lots of fun splashing in the river, well throwing rocks in the river and running about on the wooden bridges and banging the musical poles, the picnic wasn’t bad either! Shame the ice cream was nothing to write home about and it was super dangerous, I fell over loads, daddy said I have mummy’s sense of balance.
Hot hot hot again today, daddy has gone to work so me and Mummy are trying to keep cool in the garden.

At least I think I’ve convinced mummy that I don’t need any more medicine. Although I have noticed a weird taste in my drinks ever since she gave trying to make me take medicine.
Woohooo I’m almost as excited as daddy! It’s looking like a busy summer, we’ve got a weekend in Hull for baby Ben’s christening and trip to the Deep aquarium, a weekend in the lakes with a trip to the wildlife park, a weekend in London going to the zoo, zoo, zoo (and aquarium) and now a week in Corfu!!!!
Not like daddy to bag a bargain but mummy just looked again and it’s gone up £500 from what we paid!
When mummy said she had a surprise for me I never thought it would be this good! I was actually speechless for the first time ever for the whole of 2 seconds when I saw Kwazzi’s Gup-B (made all the better because I’ve decided this week I am Kwazzi, not Peso any more). When I saw the Gup-A I was beside myself with what to pick up. They also had a Gup-D and an actual Octopod that looked even better than the one mummy made for me. Mummy convinced me not to get that though because she said I couldn’t push an Octopod around. I was very excited paying the man and told him all about the White tipped reef shark and red angler fish that came with them. I held on to my great big boxes all the way home and studied the back so I knew exactly what to do.
Mummy said I was a very lucky boy and there won’t be any more Gups or Octopods until a special time like Christmas but I told her Santa doesn’t have Octopods, just the toy shop! – honestly I think she’s going a bit crazy, we’d only just been there and seen them!
… well at least the next 3 weeks. Seems despite our best efforts we have still managed to miss the first 3 weeks of the strawberry picking season, not to worry we made up for it today with a little tasting and a lot of picking. Despite mummy and daddy’s best efforts to keep me entertained I have been a really grumpy monkey today, hopefully I can stay asleep longer tomorrow and not be such a stress head. Night everyone x