Busy day

Posted on June 20th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

We seem to have been everywhere today but not done very much. We started off by going to preston park to see daddy’s friend June but she went to the wrong park so we dashed over to Sedgfield to the park there. Next we went out for lunch with Simon and Isobel then spent ages waiting round to pick the man up who was buying daddy’s old car off him. His train was late but we got to go to the new toy shop which wasn’t that good after all the hype. Eventually I got bored and just went to sleep next thing I know we were at Grandads so I went and played whilst daddy talked cars, the man must of liked it cause he gave daddy lots of paper and drove it away, I think daddy was a bit sad to see his old car go but I think the man will look after it for him.


Posted on June 17th, 2011 in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Mummy took me swimming again today and we had a great time until it came to getting out and there was not just one but two floor cleaners right by our locker. The nasty men could see I was petrified and crying but they just carried on anyway so that’s it Mummy’s never getting me to the pool again 🙁
All that trauma then made me have a poorly tummy tonight… obviously it was nothing to do with all the chocolate sprinkle cakes we’d made and eaten in the morning. I was sure another one might help fix it but Mummy disagreed – what a meany!

New park

Posted on June 15th, 2011 in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

We’ve decided that Ward Jackson is our park of choice for now, after the playground at ours has got more and more broken, not to mention the incident with the geese and the bloody knee that I will not be forgetting any time soon. So Mummy took me along this morning and said if I was good I could have an ice cream. So I was a very good boy and played for ages with the other kids at the play ground. Something went a bit wrong with the machine and I ended up with the biggest ice cream you’ve ever seen! The only thing wrong with Ward Jackson Park is the ducks are totally not interested in our bread.

Smarties and swimming

Posted on June 10th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Quite a busy day today, mummy promised we could make some cakes today after she picked me up too early for tea at nursery yesterday and I spotted I was missing out on chocolate rice crispy cakes. I chose to make chocolate cupcakes with chocolate ice and smarties. Mummy said ice might melt so we had icing instead. I took my job of licking out the bowl quite seriously and as chief smartie putter onner, can you guess which ones were mine?

I was only allowed one for lunch because we went swimming afterwards and we didn’t want to sink. The silly people at the pool made us get out the warm kids pool because there weren’t enough life guards but that didn’t stop me learning to swim on my back in the big cold pool. All that splashing worked up a big appetite for more chocolate cakes though.

Explore, rescue, protect!

Posted on June 7th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Octonauts! bum.

New tyres

Posted on June 6th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Daddy’s car is just like a racing car, this morning we took it to get some new tyres on, just like on the F1. The man wasn’t quite as fast as the red bull pit crew but daddy said hi was lots cheaper! After that we had a quick trip to Preston park to play on the swings, there was a digger and a big tractor cutting the grass and as im a big chicken these days I didn’t like them and wanted to hide. The side was still good though!

St. Nicks park in the sun

Posted on June 2nd, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Oh what a sunny day it was today and as Granny and Grandad were art work we had to entertain ourselves. Roof down and up the motorway to Warwick to a park near the castle called St. Nicolas park. It was a bit cold on the motorway with the roof down and I made daddy stop to close it, trouble was the air conditioning wasn’t working properly so we baked in the heat! Seemed lots of other people had the sale idea about going to the park today and no wonder there was a paddling pool, 2 crazy golf courses as well as lots of rides and a playground too! As it was such a hot day I decided it was best to have a play on the swings then a cool down in the pool. Once I was dry we had a picnic on the grass (with lots of other people) then went to get a golf club so we could play my new favourite sport crazy golf, I was quite good at it seems all my practice in the back garden is starting to pay off.

Dr. Peso

Posted on June 1st, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

We arrived at Granny and Grandads to find lots of presents including a Peso medic box full of lots of Doctors equipment so I cam treat sea creatures (and Grandads)

Abandoned for 5 old men

Posted on May 30th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Mummy and daddy have gone to see something called take that tonight so I have come to Aunty Angela’s house to play with Matthew and Jessica then stay the night, I think I’ve had the better side of the deal.

Crusing in daddys new car

Posted on May 28th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

We seem to be spending lots of time in daddy’s new car, so far he hasn’t let mummy drive it and we seem to go out for lots of drives, I don’t mind cause we mostly have the roof down 🙂