Have you seen any of these Granny?

Posted on May 27th, 2011 in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

We’re keeping a look out but so far no good…

Test drive to Saltburn

Posted on May 24th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Daddy took us all out for a test drive of his new car today. It wasn’t particularly warm but we braved the roof down. We had a very successful day on the shove tuppenies – winning FOUR packs of sweets and TWO keyrings!!! Mummy was especially lucky to bagsy a Royal Wedding one! Well worth £3! After all that action I had the worlds most expensive icecream while mummy and daddy had a cake cos they didn’t feel hungry enough for chips… followed by chips! We caught the cliff train back up the hill and as daddy had been such a good boy I took him for a play on the playground. Do you think he looks like he had a good time?

Daddys new car

Posted on May 22nd, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

What a long day!! Early this morning we went and picked up grandad and drove all the way to a place called Southport so daddy could look at a new car, he liked it and we bought it. After some lunch in the pub round the corner daddy put my car seat in the front of his new car and we drove all the way home with mummy and grandad following behind in mummys car. It was very windy and raining lots but despite the bad weather and lovely scenery on the M6 I just slept most of the way back. I like daddys new car, its a racing car (cause its got a spoiler) and best of all the roof comes off and goes in the boot!!

Super track day

Posted on May 17th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Have a look at this amazing track my dad built for us to play with today!! It was really good.

Racing car jelly!!

Posted on May 9th, 2011 in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Daddy went to Grandads to help sort out some kitchen cupboards and brought back some really good jelly moulds, what do you think to my racing car jelly??

Royal wedding preview

Posted on April 28th, 2011 in Uncategorized | 3 Comments »

Sneak preview of Prince William and the wedding cake!

Impromptu trip to Blackpool

Posted on April 26th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Well apparently Mummy doesn’t like Blackpool but Daddy said it is good and there was promise of trams, like Toby, and an aquarium so I was hopeful…
and it didn’t disappoint me. After we got through the road block and finally got checked in to our castle, we set off for the bus cos the trams weren’t working. It didn’t take Daddy long to get bored of waiting so we set off again in the car – lucky we did when some kind man gave us his car park ticket and it had money off the SeaLife. I wasn’t allowed to go until the next day though but I did get to go on the penny machines and on a ride around the top of them all! We had icecreams and headed back a picnic at the hotel and a nap before the kids entertainment started. I tried my best to impress the ladies but I got the impression they were more laughing at me than with me…
Anyway the next day we were waiting at the door for the aquarium to open, but it was worth it because they had GIANT SPIDER CRABS!! (their my second favourite) then we went on a tram, had LOTS of pizza and pasta, got in free to look at the rollercoasters, met SpongeBob and had a train ride, leaving just enough time for one last icecream before heading off back home. Few what a busy 2 days 🙂

Happy Easter!

Posted on April 24th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Wow, Easter is nearly as good as Christmas! I woke up to a trail of little eggs and rabbits upstairs, had presents downstairs and after we’d been to see a couple of houses in Darlington and had lunch in the pub with Grandad and everyone, I had another egg hunt in my garden. Poor mummy is poorly today. We had to take her to the doctor in Darlington and she said Mummy has tonsilitis and has to eat lots of chocolate to make her better (at least that’s what Mummy tole us she said)

Adventure Valley

Posted on April 22nd, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

The sea fog was back again today so we headed inland for some fun in the sun, to Adventure Valley. We weren’t sure what to expect but one of daddy’s friends had been before with his little boy and said it was good. There were quite a lot of animals but I wasn’t that interested in them, apart from the naughty llama who made me jump, a soft play that was a bit big and hot for me but lots of things I did like. Daddy took me on the gocarts and I took myself on the bouncy castle. As well as a bouncy castle there were some strange bouncy giant pillow things we’ve never seen before, and some good climbing frames. We saw Rudolph in his summer retreat and fed some goats with a toy train. We had a nice picnic and finished it off with an ice cream, of course!

Busy day trying out new playgroups

Posted on April 13th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Well if ever there was a reason not to trust a word Mummy says, today was it. First we set off early to go back to the playgroup from last week. We picked up Rueben and his mummy on the way and the mummies started talking about going somewhere else. No sooner had we arrived than they were turning round the car heading off in the opposite direction. There was a promise of wriggle and jiggle dancing so we didn’t complain too much. But… when we got there there was no dancing to be had just lots of climbing stuff and footballs and stuff. It was quite good fun though but I missed the dancing.
While we were there there was talk of another group in the afternoon with painting and messy stuff so I ate my lunch up quick and we set back out again. But… guess what, there was no painting!!! There was some baby chicks though but mummy must think I’m crazy if she thought I was going to believe her when she said they wouldn’t bite me, I wasn’t about to hold one, no way Jose!