is spring sprung?

Posted on April 9th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Another sunny day and I talked mummy into a trip to the park after a boring morning of lawn cutting, washing, clearing up and hoovering. There’s still no baby ducks and the mummy and daddy ducks were obviously overfed and disinterested today so we took our bread home for another day.

Is it summer?

Posted on April 8th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Wow what a lovely day! Mummy insisted I got out my jamas and we went out somewhere, so I chose a trip to town on the bus! I was very excited to go on a bus although Mummy assures me I’ve been on plenty before. My enthusiasm was only dampened a little when it wasn’t a double decker, oh well. Seeing as it was such a lovely day Mummy took my to Primani to get some summer shorts but we couldn’t agree on any we both liked. Turns out it was for the best because last years collection still fits my skinny bum and they actually look like shorts not short trousers on me this year! We spent the afternoon mostly moaning about something or other in the garden – well it’s hardly surprising I’m grumpy with the mad haircut they’ve given me is it???

Giant track

Posted on April 3rd, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

During the week daddy got me some F1 cars and lots more track for my scalextric collection, mummy says he got it for himself but I dont mind cause he lets me play. Unfortunately I had a little accident on Friday with one of them and mummy decided it was maybe best to leave them till I was a bit older, but Look at the giant track daddy made for me!

Picnics are no good in the rain

Posted on April 3rd, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

I’m starting to think that mummy and daddy don’t like getting up early. When mummy did get up she shaved off most of my hair and daddy helped her! They say it looks better but its all stuck up now.

This afternoon we sat in the car (cause there had just been a heavy shower) and eat our little Greggs picnic we had bought in town, once our tummies were full we worked some of it off by having a little walk on the beach. I like finding stones on the beach and throwing them in the sea, its my new game. I wasn’t very happy that the sea was trying to get my feet wet though.

I’m now officially more famous than daddy!

Posted on April 1st, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Yesterday the local library closed down, so mummy and me went along with a few others from play group to wish them goodbye. I spent most of the time running round and eating all the old ladies biscuits, but they didn’t seem to mind, after all its not like they will need them again next week! A man with a camera from the local paper came and took our picture, that’s twice I’ve been in the paper so that makes my officially more famous than daddy cause he has only ever been in the paper once and he has lived here 34 years!

Can you see my little friend Ruben next to me? He looks much more upset than I do

Look what my Dad bought for me

Posted on March 31st, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Daddy decided we needed some F1 cars for our Scalextrics collection and found a bargain on ebay! Lots of new style track including a bridge and 2 cross over corners and some crash barriers. We set up all the new track on its own to make sure it was all there and it worked well it would have been rude to not have a little race too 🙂

Up the top at Mr. Twisters

Posted on March 30th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

We went to Mr. Twisters today so I could show daddy how good I am at bouncing and climbing right up to the top of the soft play. He was very impressed but I wonder how they would make it up to the top to rescue me if I got stuck :s

Dinner out with Granddad and everyone

Posted on March 26th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

We all took Granddad out for lunch today, he is still very upset about nanna so we thought it would be nice for us all to go out for some dinner. Unfortunately the place we decided to go to wasn’t very good, we waited ages for our dinner and when it did come it wasn’t very nice. Whilst waiting for it I managed to bump my lip on the table and didn’t really fancy my pasta as it hurt my lip when I eat it 🙁 I eat it up though like a good boy.

Still not very well

Posted on March 26th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

I am still coughing and full of snot, I keep waking up early and havent had much good sleep the last week or so. This morning mummy and daddy have been doing boring things like moving furniture round and cleaning, when they came to see what I was up to they caught me catching 40 winks.

Bit of a cold

Posted on March 24th, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Not been very well the last few days I have a cold, lots of snot and a cough, mummy has got it too now. Daddy and granddad have spent most of the last 2 days at the hospital with nanna but she was very unwell and sadly she passed away this evening. everyone is very upset but at least she isn’t in pain any more. Love you nanna x