Today was back to nursery day after all my adventures. Mummy took me to Asda yesterday to choose my 3rd birthday cake. There had been lots of talk of a Lightening Macqueen or Thomas cake, I really wanted an Octonauts one but mummy warned me she didn’t think they were as advanced as that and when it came down to it I couldn’t resist the lure of chocolate!

I had a good day at nursery. I finally decided i was going to join in with the dance class and discovered all they do is play instruments and jump about a lot! The dance lady saw my birthday boy badges and everyone did a special Happy Birthday song and dance for me. Mummy arrived to pick me up a bit early just as we were having tea. There was some yucky soup and bread. My friend Xavier ate all his up and then kept mummy entertained telling her how I was a lucky boy because I’d had 3 birthday cakes, one with smarties and cream in, one chocolate Thomas and now another one! Mummy already knew that but she was quite impressed I’d passed on so much information to Xav!
Apparently that’s the last of my birthday cakes, I wonder if I’ll have 4 next year??
I had a bit more success today with riding my bike. It just seemed to click when I got on today but it’s still very hard work. I need a push or a slope to get going and mummy agrees with daddy that I need my seat raising a bit. There are some videos on mummy’s phone to prove I wasn’t just sitting still but photos will have to do for now…
Daddy had to send me to the recycling box twice and ask if anything was going on in the garden before I noticed my next birthday surprise!
I wasn’t too happy being dragged away to go to Nanna’s and Grandad’s but it soon became worth it with even more presents and a special chocolate Thomas train cake!
This time my official birthday! I had a giant post delivered to my bedroom while i was sleeping and pile of presents in mummy and daddy’s bedroom! Luckily I woke up first so noone else opened them! It was very exciting. There was a Plugger to go with my other Rory and friends, lots of Peppa Pig friends that go in my tow truck and car I had at Christmas, a shop till and my own electric screwdriver with things to make – I chose to make the train! As if that wasn’t enough there was a big boy bike waiting downstairs for me and own living room had been decorated (but there weren’t any balloons)!
We had a good old play and a big breakfast before heading to the seaside to practice riding my new bike. They must have known it was my birthday because we saw 3 trains! I didn’t have much success pedalling myself until we were nearly back at the car but daddy provided a very good tow!
I chose Pizza Hut for lunch and I was even allowed a Smarties McFlurry on the way home yum yum!
Mummy and daddy came back from Birmingham today and Nanny also came to see me so we were all ready for my birthday tea. I’d been to Tesco with Granny and chosen lots of party food and Uncle Mike had helped us to make lots of party cakes and great big chocolate Smarties cake with cream in! I didn’t know that there would be presents though, I’m a very lucky boy. It was just like Christmas only I was the only one with presents! After presents and tea there was just enough time for a game of racing and I just managed to stay awake long enough for Granny to read me my new Octonauts book.
Wow you should see my new bedroom! I slept very well last night in my new bedroom and was full of beans raring to go this morning. No sooner have we arrived than mummy and daddy announced they are leaving me with Granny and Grandad tomorrow as soon as mummy’s car is fixed. I don’t mind one bit though, I have great fun running grandad ragged and being spoilt by Granny!
I’m the King of the castle!
On our way to Granny and Grandad’s we a stop over to see Helen and her brand new baby, Ben. He was very cute but I didn’t want to take him home!

I’m feeling much better today but Mummy keeps insisting I have that yucky cream in my eyes. I’ve decided it’s time to set up my own house to keep her away. I have plenty of friends to keep me company, snacks for everyone, no uninvited visitors thank you, I’ll email you when I have a spare minute!
Oh dear, well yesterday I woke up with a bloodshot eye and today I woke up with 2 bloodshot eyes! Mummy took me to see the doctor and he said I have conjunctivitis. Daddy has a bit of a poorly eye too today so it looks like I’ve given it to him while mummy was at school yesterday. The doctor has given me some medicine but I told mummy it’s not fair and I don’t want it. Mummy didn’t listen she just pinned me down and stuck it in my eyes. What a rubbish day to have poorly eyes, I was supposed to have playdates today and now I suppose I can’t even go to nursery tomorrow either. 🙁
Well it’s been a horrible windy day today so mummy said she would take me to Mr Twisters. We haven’t been for a long time cos I’m a bit of a wimp and don’t like going on anything high, rope-like or the slides.. ie I just sit in the ball pit. I’ve been getting fairly adventurous though going to Funky World with Reuben, I even went down the slide of doom with Mummy this week. Anyway after an initial little flurry of running around and… playing in the ball pool… I found a little friend. I don’t know what she was on about because her and her mummy were Polish or something, but we managed a bit of a game of football before she went on the bouncy castle. Mummy hadn’t managed to convince me to go on it, but I followed my girlfriend.. and I didn’t get off!! I bounced and bounced for well over an hour, had some lunch, then bounced some more! Great fun!